Customer Case | Export Controls | Central Classification

BSH Hausgeräte GmbH relies on MIC software for Customs Tariff and Export Control Classification

Introduction of a central and standardised group solution for efficient customs tariff and export control classification

Central Classification | Origin Calculation | News 5 October 2015

MIC, the leading provider of GTM solutions to the automotive industry, wins ZF North America as a new customer

ZF North America joins MIC's long list of automotive customers in the Americas, including General Motors, Daimler Trucks and Delphi Automotive. On the heels of the highly successful implementation in the EU, the North American rollout will focus on MIC's solution for efficient automated calculation of preferential origin, including management of supplier declarations (MIC…

Customer Case | Central Classification | Origin Calculation

ZF Friedrichshafen AG - on the way to a transparent preference determination system for all ZF-locations with a successful pilot project

Centralized and, standardised group solutions for origin of goods & FTA preferences including customs tariff classification

Globales Zollmanagement | Tarifierung & Klassifizierung | News | Warenursprung & Präferenzen | Gestion de Dédouanement | Tarification & Classification | Actualités | Système du Calcul d'Origine | Customs Filing | Central Classification | Origin Calculation | News 26 May 2015

Europe’s second largest carmaker prolongs its contract with MIC for another 5 years and starts implementation of MIC’s Origin Solution

Centralized and standardized customs solution platform as SaaS model in place

Globales Zollmanagement | Tarifierung & Klassifizierung | News | Gestion de Dédouanement | Tarification & Classification | Actualités | Customs Filing | Central Classification | News 18 February 2015

Italy’s largest car manufacturer signs contract with MIC

Automation of several customs procedures

Central Classification | Origin Calculation | News 4 December 2014

MIC, the leading provider of GTM solutions in the automotive industry, wins ZF Friedrichshafen as a new customer

According to a Global Trade Management study by the ARC Advisory Group in 2013 MIC not only defended its market leadership as a provider of GTM solutions in the automotive industry, but has also gained significant market share since the last study in 2010. MIC currently has more than 31% of the market share in the automotive industry. (Source: ARC Advisory Group, Global Trade…

Customs Filing | Central Classification | Origin Calculation | News 8 November 2013

MIC named as Leading Supplier of Global Trade Management Solutions for the Automotive Industry

Premier Global Trade Management (GTM) study by ARC Advisory Group reveals: MIC remains number one for the automotive industry, boasting impressive market share increases

Globales Zollmanagement | Tarifierung & Klassifizierung | News | Gestion de Dédouanement | Tarification & Classification | Actualités | Customs Filing | Central Classification | News 17 September 2013

More of MIC customs modules are now live in Turkey

Electronic communication with the Turkish customs administration’s system via customs broker interface

Globales Zollmanagement | Tarifierung & Klassifizierung | Case Studies | Gestion de Dédouanement | Tarification & Classification | Histoires de Succès | Customs Filing | Central Classification | Customer Case

How Panasonic Cleared Taking Care of Hardware, Legal Changes and Customs Software Release Planning

One Centralized and Standardized Customs Solution Platform via MIC's Software as a Service (SaaS)

Tarifierung & Klassifizierung | News | Tarification & Classification | Actualités | Central Classification | News 14 August 2012

Panasonic lifestyle products are classified with MIC’s Central Classification System CCS

One system, one user interface, one centralized and standardized product classification tool provided via Software as a Service (SaaS)