Globales Zollmanagement | Case Studies | Gestion de Dédouanement | Histoires de Succès | Customs Filing | Customer Case

Are we compliant?

Improved Transparency, Visibility and Compliance for Imperial Tobacco Group by Using MIC as a European-Wide Customs Platform

Globales Zollmanagement | News | Gestion de Dédouanement | Actualités | Customs Filing | News 20 April 2012

PSA Peugeot Citroën relies on MIC’s SaaS Solution

Professionalism, reliability and the capability to create innovative customs software have been the convincing arguments for the French car manufacturer

Globales Zollmanagement | News | Gestion de Dédouanement | Actualités | Customs Filing | News 4 March 2012

Imperial Tobacco Group (ITG) - EU Rollout of MIC CUST®

MIC's unique customs direct filing solutions support ITG’s international business

Globales Zollmanagement | News | Gestion de Dédouanement | Actualités | Customs Filing | News 10 February 2012

Swedish Customs certifies MIC CUST®

Benefit of direct communication with Tullverkets EDI-System TDR007 and TDR050

Globales Zollmanagement | Case Studies | Gestion de Dédouanement | Histoires de Succès | Customs Filing | Customer Case

On time and within budget

Scania decided for MIC to become its Global Customs Software Provider

Globales Zollmanagement | News | Gestion de Dédouanement | Actualités | Customs Filing | News 28 July 2011

Siemens AG roll out of MIC CUST® to Denmark

Siemens AG uses MIC CUST® for Import declarations with direct electronic customs filing to SKAT

News | Customs Filing 30 May 2011

Syngenta builds on MIC

For more than two years now the world’s leading agribusiness company relies on MIC

Globales Zollmanagement | News | Gestion de Dédouanement | Actualités | Customs Filing | News 14 March 2011

Sigma Aldrich relies on MIC

The leading Life Science and High Technology company has been confiding in MIC’s services for more than 10 years.

Customs Filing | News 1 March 2011

UTC Fire & Security chooses MIC for Dutch Sagitta

The world's premier security company implements MIC’s software solutions in the Netherlands

Globales Zollmanagement | News | Gestion de Dédouanement | Actualités | Customs Filing | News 1 February 2011

SABIC trusts in MIC SASP solutions in six European Countries

Benefit from SASP with MIC customs solutions