Globales Zollmanagement | News | Gestion de Dédouanement | Actualités | Customs Filing | News 5 July 2013

MIC INTRA EU 28 ready

Intrastat software for Croatia in productive usage since the 1st day of joining the EU

Globales Zollmanagement | News | Gestion de Dédouanement | Actualités | Customs Filing | News 21 February 2013

MIC CUST® Export for Turkey is live

Electronic communication with the Turkish customs administration’s system via customs broker interface

News | Actualités | News 30 January 2013

Germany’s largest carmaker decided in favor of MIC Customs Solutions

Stepwise implementation of worldwide customs software

Globales Zollmanagement | Press Releases | Gestion de Dédouanement | Press Releases | Customs Filing | Press Releases 29 January 2013

Custom Made

Automotive Supply Chain Magazine | January 2013

Press Releases | Press Releases | Press Releases 29 January 2013

You think of customs? We have solutions!

Automotive Logistics Buyers' Guide 2013 | January 2013

Press Releases | Press Releases | Press Releases 6 December 2012

Imperiale Architektur

logistik journal | 06 December 2012

Globales Zollmanagement | Tarifierung & Klassifizierung | Case Studies | Gestion de Dédouanement | Tarification & Classification | Histoires de Succès | Customs Filing | Central Classification | Customer Case

How Panasonic Cleared Taking Care of Hardware, Legal Changes and Customs Software Release Planning

One Centralized and Standardized Customs Solution Platform via MIC's Software as a Service (SaaS)

Press Releases | Warenursprung & Präferenzen | Press Releases | Système du Calcul d'Origine | Origin Calculation | Press Releases 19 October 2012

Customised Choice

Logistics Business IT | October 2012

News | Exportkontroll-Management | Actualités | Contrôle des Exportations | Export Controls | News 1 October 2012

MIC Customs Solutions launches new product for denied party screening

Increase your compliance with MIC Denied Party Screening (DPS)

Tarifierung & Klassifizierung | News | Tarification & Classification | Actualités | Central Classification | News 14 August 2012

Panasonic lifestyle products are classified with MIC’s Central Classification System CCS

One system, one user interface, one centralized and standardized product classification tool provided via Software as a Service (SaaS)