
Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

NAFTA: the current state of play

US president Donald Trump's plans to negotiate a new deal on NAFTA is likely to have significant repercussions for the trading landscape of North America.

Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Australia and Indonesia pledge new free trade deal before end of 2017

The governments of Australia and Indonesia have pledged to conclude a new free trade agreement between the nations before the end of the year.

Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

WTO's milestone Trade Facilitation Agreement enters into force

The World Trade Organization's new Trade Facilitation Agreement has entered into force after receiving approval from the necessary number of members.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Japan sees bigger-than-expected trade deficit in January

Japan's trade deficit was larger than expected during January, though the overall outlook for the country remains more positive.

Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

CETA deal approved by European Parliament

The European Parliament has voted in favor of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the EU and Canada.

Industry News | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Leaving EU without a deal 'would cost British exporters $7.6bn a year'

Leaving the European Union without a trade deal in place would cost British exporters more than $7.6 billion a year in additional costs, according to a report.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Chinese international trade beats forecasts in January 2017

China's export and import performance for January 2017 exceeded forecasts, official data has shown.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

US trade deficit widens in 2016

The US trade deficit shrank in December 2016, though this was not enough to prevent the gap from widening for the year as a whole.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Falling value of pound 'creating challenges for international trade in the UK'

The recent devaluation of the British pound is creating considerable challenges for international traders based in the UK, a new report has shown.

Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Mexico to step up free trade talks with Turkey and other countries

Mexico is looking to accelerate free trade talks with Turkey and several other countries in the face of growing hostility from the US.