
Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Examining Europe's new trade defense rules

Businesses should make an effort to learn all they can about the new EU trade defense rules, which will greatly enhance the union's approach to dealing with dumped and subsidized imports from countries found guilty of state-induced market distortions.

Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

New EU trade defense rules brought into effect

New trade defense legislation has entered into force in the EU as a means of tackling state-induced market distortions.

Brexit | | MIC Customs Solutions |

EU official takes cautious tone on limitations of bespoke post-Brexit trade deal

The EU's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier has outlined the likely limitations of a future trade deal between the UK and Europe, ruling out the possibility of a special arrangement for financial services.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Japanese export growth stretches to 12th consecutive month

Japan has recorded a 12th consecutive month of export growth in November, according to new economic data.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Fall in German exports narrows trade surplus for October

Germany's trade surplus narrowed in October following an unexpected decline in exports.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

EU, Japan and US pledge to tackle market-distorting, protectionist trade practices

The EU, Japan and US have vowed to cooperate on eliminating market-distorting and protectionist trade practices that may be contributing to global overcapacities.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Chinese trade data exceeds forecasts in November

China's exports and imports both exceeded expectations during a strong November for the country's trade sector.

Origin Calculation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

EU and Japan finalize landmark Economic Partnership Agreement

The EU and Japan have finalized their new Economic Partnership Agreement, which represents the biggest bilateral trade agreement in European history.

Brexit | | MIC Customs Solutions |

UK and EU strike deal to move Brexit talks into next phase

Brexit negotiations between the UK and EU have been given the go-ahead to progress to the next phase after a deal was struck to move the process forward.

Origin Calculation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

China and Canada pledge support for FTA despite lack of progress on formal talks

Canada and China have affirmed their commitment to a new trade agreement, but efforts to secure the start of formal talks on a deal have continued to prove fruitless.