
Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

How going digital in Africa could set a precedent for future FTAs

Making the new African free trade agreement digital could open up a new future for such deals, one expert believes.

Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

WTO rules in China's favour over sanctions spat

There was victory for China this week in another long-running dispute with the US.

Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

EU and Philippines FTA 'still on the table' - so what's the delay?

There has been talk for some time now of a free trade deal between the EU and the Philippines, but little actual progress. Here, we'll take a look at why that might be.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

A few simple tips could help you navigate the world of exports

Exports needn't be complicated, as long as you stick to the rules.

Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Israel and South Korea to sign free trade agreement

A new free trade agreement between Israel and South Korea could come into force this month.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Malaysia halts sand exports to Singapore

A ban on sand exports from Malaysia to Singapore has just come to light.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

South Korea calls on Japan to remove export restrictions

South Korea's president has reached out to Japan concerning trade restrictions.

Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Iranian president signs agreement on free trade zone with EAEU

Iranian president Hassan Rouhani seems keen to kick-start trade with the nations of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Brexit | | MIC Customs Solutions |

WTO: No-deal Brexit would not result in tariff-free trade with EU

Boris Johnson is wrong about tariff-free trading after a no-deal Brexit, Roberto Azevedo has said.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Trade wars 'could shipwreck global economy'

Trade wars could be more damaging than most people realise, Mark Carney has said.