
Tax | | MIC Customs Solutions |

China softens tariffs on selected US imports

Could the Sino-US trade war be drawing to a close as China removes selected tariffs?

Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

USMCA another step closer after amendments are signed - what does this mean?

The US is almost ready to ratify the USMCA free trade deal, so what's next for the agreement?

Brexit | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Brexit update: What's next after Britain's Conservative victory?

With Boris Johnson once again at the helm, Britain is steering towards a more rapid EU exit.

Brexit | | MIC Customs Solutions |

EU customs checks 'being prepared for UK ports'

A news report suggests there will be EU border checks at British ports including Liverpool.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

CPTPP tracker shows Canada is affected by US-Sino trade wars

Despite Canada's membership to a major trade bloc, it is being stilted by the continuing trade war between the US and China.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

EU may ban imports of 'dirty' batteries

The EU is trying to make its battery industry greener, but this may come at the expense of some trade.

Industry News | | MIC Customs Solutions |

WTO faces crisis as appellate body deadline looms

The situation is not looking good for the WTO as the US continues to shut it down.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Burgundy exports are booming, figures show

Interest is currently extremely high in French Burgundy wines.

Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

EU customs requirements change for products including REACH chemicals

There has been a change for importers in Europe regarding products with restricted chemicals.

Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Japan quickly ratifies US free trade agreement

Japan's turnaround for approving a new trade deal with the US has been impressive.