
Brexit | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Brexit update: Ireland hopes resolution is in sight on article 16

The optimistic would like to see movement by Christmas, but other insiders are more cautious

Industry News | | MIC Customs Solutions |

WTO rules in EU's favor on Spanish olive tariffs

The WTO has said it agrees that duties applied by the US on Spanish olives break trade rules.

Industry News | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Canada and ASEAN working towards FTA - but what would it mean for them?

A free trade deal should be imminent here, with both sides having good reasons for being eager to sign on the dotted line.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Biden called on to ban oil exports

Could US president Joe Biden bow to pressure from politicians and introduce a ban on oil exports?

Industry News | | MIC Customs Solutions |

UK looks to individual US states after Biden goes cold on FTA

Smaller-scale trade agreements could become a focus for Britain's trade approach in the US, it seems.

Industry News | | MIC Customs Solutions |

France puts brakes on EU's FTAs with Chile and New Zealand

The EU's anticipated FTAs with Chile and New Zealand now look set to be delayed.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

EU tightens import controls on Turkish lemons amid pesticide fears

Shipments of lemons going to the EU from Turkey may be held up amid increased checks.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Traders urged to prepare for end of UK's CHIEF customs system

It is not advisable to leave readiness for the Customs Declaration Service until the last minute, businesses have been told.

Industry News | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Semiconductor supply issues 'could last years'

Businesses in the semiconductor industry could be facing shortages for several years to come, it has been suggested.

Industry News | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Thailand and Pakistan 'to sign FTA by year-end'

Thailand and Pakistan want to enjoy closer trade ties through a bilateral trade deal.