
Industry News | | MIC Customs Solutions |

WTO barometer shows goods trade is down

There has been disappointing news from the WTO's data department.

Brexit | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Boris Johnson wants 'super Canada plus' - but is time too tight?

Could Boris Johnson have an EU trade deal all sewn up by the end of next year?

MIC Products | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Customs managers 'cannot be an afterthought'

People responsible for navigating the complex world of customs must be equipped to do so, one organization has said.

Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

RCEP could be signed next year - but India won't be a part of it

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership could become a reality as early as next year, but India is out.

Industry News | | MIC Customs Solutions |

US threatens to block WTO budget

US delegates have suggested they might act against a vital process for the WTO.

Legislation | | MIC Customs Solutions |

EU-Singapore FTA clears final hurdle for approval

The EU and Singapore will have a trade deal as of November 21st 2019.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

China reopens imports of Canadian pork and beef

China will be buying Canadian meat again after relenting on a ban.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Germany 'may replace UK imports with Irish products'

Ireland could step into Britain's shoes should Brexit produce unfavourable conditions for Germany, it has been suggested.

MIC Products | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Indian government unveils new IT initiatives for customs

India's new technology may make clearing goods through customs there easier.

Imports and Exports | | MIC Customs Solutions |

Taiwan denies restrictions on chip exports to China

There is uncertainty over news that the US wants to curb semiconductor exports from Taiwan to China.